Frequently Asked Questions

Most of our clients are foreign medical graduates and research scientists, but we help clients from all walks of life, including eligible J-2 dependents, seeking waivers of the J-1 foreign residence requirement.

We specialize in helping clients overcome the two-year foreign residence requirement of Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act by helping them file winnable I-612 hardship and persecution waivers. Many other J-1 exchange visitors, and their J-2 dependents, are also subject to this feature of U.S. immigration law, which can sometimes create great burdens. We concentrate on solving that problem.

We represent clients from around the world, but you do not need to travel to our office in Westminster, Maryland, as we communicate mainly by telephone and email and do consultations by phone, Skype, and Zoom.

The complete process from initial contact to the issuance of an approval notice can take in excess of a year. The assembling and filing of a waiver application typically takes two to three months, and is based solely on the motivation of our clients. Once filed, decisions on I-612 waiver applications can take up to a year or more, depending on USCIS processing times.

Our goal is to have warm relationships with clients and to be very accessible. We give close, personal attention to every client and have a 94% success rate. Mr. Schmitt is a leading scholar on J-1 waivers, especially in the difficult area of program, policy, and foreign relations issues in J-1 waiver cases involving U.S. Government funding, such as Fulbright cases.

We do not charge for email consultations, and we try to help as many people as possible. We charge $200 for telephone and in-person consultations and disclose fees during consultations.

We have an overall 94% success rate and have won cases for clients from 83 countries. However, each case is different and our past record is no assurance of success in reaching a favorable result in any future case.

The process can be stressful, but our experienced and expert staff works closely with clients to mitigate related stressors to submit the strongest applications possible.

We focus solely on J-1 and related matters. If we can’t help you, we’ll try to refer you to someone who can.