Contact Us Today

We can help you!

Potential clients and those who choose to work with us need not travel to our office, as most of our business is conducted via email, phone, Skype, and USPS or courier service, which allows us to represent clients from around the world.

Interested in learning if Hake and Schmitt can help you? Please send an email to Mr. Schmitt introducing yourself and explaining your situation. If he thinks he can help you, he’ll ask you to schedule a phone consultation. Consultations are $200 paid by credit card for an unlimited amount of time. Most consultations typically last an hour.


Call: 410-635-3337

Hake and Schmitt
2 Locust Ln, Ste. 203
Westminster, Maryland 21157

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm (EST)
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
Federal holidays: closed